Sinking a bevvie and going wees in a bush: Is this MAFS NZ groom the epitome of Kiwi?
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Sinking a bevvie and going wees in a bush: Is this MAFS NZ groom the epitome of Kiwi?

If you're wondering if Piripi washed his hands, we asked...

Married at First Sight New Zealand 2024 fans are losing it over groom Piripi Clarke after his outrageously carefree approach to his wedding day.

From getting told off by producers to taking a leak in the most unexpected places, the groom had us in hysterics with his antics.

And while it may seem a bit much, we’re lowkey vibing his classic Kiwi “everything is sweet as” mindset.

Cheersing with his best man to kick off his wedding day seems like the fitting thing to do, right? Until a big “NO” is heard from a producer giving Piripi a verbal slap on the hand for trying to down his beer in one go.

“Was that excessive?” Piripi cheekily asked, knowing for a fact he was about to see us at the bottom.

Scrubbing up nicely, Piri slicked back his mop into a man bun, chucked on his gorg suit, and was off to meet his wife for the first time!

But there had to be a pit stop on the way. He and his best man unzipped to pee on the side of the road.

Mid-pee, Piri tried cutting off his mate's stream with his own while simultaneously having a pep talk about his pre-wedding jitters - as you do...

Fans of the show were shocked the moment made it on telly, with one writing: “Raise your hand if you've ever been victimised by 2 dudes peeing on TV.”

“My tummy muscles can't take much more - MAFS fam were hilarious tonight. Also, gag reflexes had a good workout,” said another.

While a third added: “I hope he washes his hands before the ceremony.”

Well, we thought we better check, and Piri assured us he “quite frequently used hand sanitiser that day” and checked it was all good with the locals before he relieved himself in nature.

Now, if you thought the wiz pre-ceremony was bad enough, what about a twofer?! Apparently, there wasn’t a bathroom close enough to bolt to, so Piri was caught not once but TWICE doing his business on camera.

While his bride was debriefing with her sister about how she would rather have someone who “didn’t take things too seriously”, Piripi pulled through on that front by egging his mate to drink the ‘protein-filled’ fly that landed in his bevvie.

Turns out those bevvies might’ve moved through quicker than they thought because the two men AGAIN got up for a piss in the bush - only this time they were caught!

“There’s probably a bathroom around here that they could use,” his new wife Steph Archer said.

“I feel he’s quite a boys' boy,” she added.

We have that feeling too; luckily he’ll be all yours soon, Steph! We can’t wait to see how their honeymoon in Vanuatu continues tonight. We’re fizzed to see what other crack-up moments Piri will bring to the table.