A wise person once said: “Look confident or busy and no one will question. Now, it looks like we might have to include ‘or just hold bags of lettuce’ to that mantra.
Life hacking and prankster influencer duo Greedy Guys are the men behind a vegetable-based hack to get into a festival for free. Wearing an official-looking earpiece, standard festie clothing and holding four bags of lettuce, they rocked up to the gates of Rolling Loud Festival in Miami and told security they were there to work.
“We have to refill the lettuces at Bob’s Burger Bar,” one of them said. “I’m from back office.”
After absolutely minimal questioning from the ‘security’, the fellas were in. To celebrate, they started handing out heads of lettuce to festival-goers.
Commenters are either firing off jokes or in disbelief at the simplicity of it, even questioning if it’s real.
“Just lettuce in,” wrote one person.
“Imagine the guard after seeing everyone with lettuce,” said another.
“If I got one of those, I would’ve spent the rest of the night looking for a bottle of ranch,” a third added.
“They’re not even dressed like they’re working,” one more pointed out. “They’re dressed for the festival. Either this is fake, or that security guard is really bad at his job.”
Another hack that went viral this year is the 'maximise your annual leave' one. You can check out how to turn six public holidays into 24 days off here.
And hey, you could use those days off to buy lettuce to get you in the festies you're heading to. You're welcome!