This site finds your most listened to Spotify songs of ALL TIME and turns them into art
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This site finds your most listened to Spotify songs of ALL TIME and turns them into art

Make sure you actually want to know the answer.

Prepare to cringe or be pleasantly surprised because this website tells you the Spotify songs and artists you've listened to throughout your whole existence. is a dynamic art platform that allows you to visualise your Spotify data in several different slay-looking ways. Most importantly, you can find out the ten most popular songs of your whole life.

There is something humbling and also exciting about finding out that information. It can be hard to know how to react when you see an artist dominate your top ten and you realise you're a full-on stan. 

This site finds your most listened to Spotify songs of ALL TIME and turns them into art the strokes are good

Your most listened-to artists/songs of the past four weeks and six months are also available if you want to know your more recent listening habits. 

Of course, there are other tools that tell you all kinds of Spotify info - such as Scrobble and SpotifyStats - but Ngen makes it look all pretty. 

There are four different ways you can visualise your data: 'DNA', 'Top Ten', 'Bloom', and 'Chords'. 

This site finds your most listened to Spotify songs of ALL TIME and turns them into art NGen's different Spotify data art options

The Top Ten option is where you can find the all-time and more recent listening data, nicely formatted into a sleek infographic (pictured above) ranking your most popular songs from the selected time frame. The DNA option compares the vibes of your favourite artists, as well as gives you a 'rarity score' based on how niche your taste is.

This site finds your most listened to Spotify songs of ALL TIME and turns them into art My musical DNA

Bloom and Chords do not show the songs and artists so if you find your own music taste cringe, you can still get involved in the trend by using those options. Bloom creates a flower from your data whereas Chords creates a simplistic, corduroy design.

This site finds your most listened to Spotify songs of ALL TIME and turns them into art My beautiful bloom

Music lovers everywhere are spoilt for choice when it comes to visualising your Spotify data. Of course, there is the OG official Spotify Wrapped but there are also the options to turn your tunes into a pie and/or your favourite artists into a music festival lineup.

Whether you love your playlists or are ashamed of them, something about turning your favourite songs into cool-looking things just hits different (especially when your playlists are as good as mine).