'He's the dad': MAFS Shannon's ex gf is pregnant with baby no.2 , and hold up, she's due when?

'He's the dad': MAFS Shannon's ex gf is pregnant with baby no.2 , and hold up, she's due when?

“Hopefully Shan decides to be a part of the kids’ lives..."

If you watched 'Married at First Sight Australia', you probably remember Shannon Adams. He was the guy who basically crushed Caitlin McConville's dreams when he said he was still hung up on his ex

Well, turns out his ex-fiancée, Jamea Drake, is now pregnant with his child.

For more MAFS bombshells, check out our chat with MAFS expert John Atkins here:

In an Instagram post, Jamea announced the news, revealing that she's due in early October.  But things aren't all rainbows and butterflies for Jamea, who added that she'll be raising the baby as a single mom. 

“Didn’t think I’d be doing it as a solo single mum,” she wrote in the post's caption.

She also clarified that Shannon is indeed the father of the baby, despite rumours that have been swirling around. “Yes, he is the dad,” she confirmed.

If you're wondering whether Shannon and Jamea were still seeing each other during the 'MAFS' experiment, the answer is no, according to Jamea. 

While there were reports that they were caught having sex in a hotel during filming, Jamea denied it all when discussing her relationship or, ahem, lack of, to PEDESTRIAN.TV.

“I NEVER saw him in Sydney!”

After Shannon left the show with Caitlin, he and Jamea attempted to work on their relationship. But things went south once the show aired, causing problems between the pair.

“The comments made and how he portrayed me made it rocky,” Jamea explained.

Now that she's pregnant, Jamea doesn't know what the co-parenting plan with Shannon will be. 

According to Jamea, old mate Shannon hasn't seen their daughter, Milli, since last month and has stopped paying child support.

“Hopefully Shan decides to be a part of the kids’ lives, and we can get along.”

It's clear that Jamea has been through a lot since MAFS aired, and she's received a lot of hate from people who should really mind their own business. 

As she noted, “There was seven years of history and our daughter." 

So if you're one of those people sending her hate, maybe take a step back and remember that there are real people with real feelings on the other end of your comments.