Turns out Harrison Boon is a MAFS super fan after people spot his vile comments on old posts

Turns out Harrison Boon is a MAFS super fan after people spot his vile comments on old posts

Did anyone hear that? I think it’s the pot calling the kettle black…

In news that will shock literally no one, Harrison Boon has been discovered as a Married At First Sight superfan, but for all the wrong reasons.

Harrison’s overall trolling ways have been exposed in resurfaced problematic comments about previous MAFS contestants in the ‘Australian Trash TV’ Facebook group.

Thanks to So Dramatic!, it’s been revealed that Harrison’s love for shit-talking the show dates way back to 2019, and they’ve brought the receipts.

If you’re easily cringed out it might be best to look away.

Harrison used to post memes of him watching the show to the superfan group, and he even went as far as calling himself the “fourth judge”.

SOURCE: So Dramatic!

Though Harrison likes to believe he’s the expert in relationships, it’s pretty clear that he is not and with these posts, I’d say he’s probably not an expert at recognising right from wrong either. 

According to So Dramatic!, the reality stars previous comments included, “homophobic, transphobic, racist, misogynistic and fatphobic insults towards past participants.”

TW: I think it goes without saying that we absolutely do not condone the use of the following language and would like to forewarn you that the rest of this article contains comments about the above topics.

Talking about season eight bride Beck Zemeck, Harrison loved to throw out the word “narcissist” along with his observations of her behaviour in the early stages of her relationship. 

Did anyone hear that? I think it’s the pot calling the kettle black…

SOURCE: So Dramatic!

I’m not even going to give his misogynistic comments the time of day, but you can see how vile they truly are.

SOURCE: So Dramatic!

Harrison has also previously hit out at Bryce Ruthven, for pretty much the exact same BS he’s pulling on the show.

“I’ve decided I’m going to enjoy the destruction of Bryce,” Harrison wrote about the season 8 contestant, with another comment reading: “Wow my god. This guy is unbelievable. Melissa is being played like a piano.”

SOURCE: So Dramatic!

Interestingly enough, this discovery is perfectly timed with the discussions of the “emotional manipulation” this season's brides have recognised and are currently trying to warn Bronte Schofield of.

I’m going to stop there because I can feel my blood starting to boil, but there is plenty more where that came from.

It’s honestly no surprise that Harrison’s behaviour translates heavily to his online antics and quite frankly I would love to know how tf he has managed to not be booted off this season so far, but that’s a conversation for another day.