From VR gaming to picking berries: 11 NZ date spots that aren’t just a boring dinner and drinks
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From VR gaming to picking berries: 11 NZ date spots that aren’t just a boring dinner and drinks

Some involve simply relaxing while others involve weapons - something for everyone.

Although eating and drinking are two of the greatest things a couple can do together, they can get boring. 

So, we’ve put together a list of eleven date ideas that are more activity-based. There are relaxing dates, dates in nature and even adventurous dates all around New Zealand, especially with summer en route. 

Sensory Deprivation Baths

This past weekend, Edge web girl Ash floated in a fancy bath with her boyf and loved it. Here’s what she had to say:

Float pod therapy takes no effort at all but is hella rewarding. 

Essentially, they are big baths filled with water and Epsom salt in a lightproof and soundproof room, creating a sensory deprivation experience. Unlike an ice bath, float pods are room-temperature so you won’t be freezing your bits off. 

If your partner hogs the bed like mine does, don’t be alarmed. The float pod was big enough that both of us could starfish! If you’ve ever wanted to know what floating in space feels like, this relaxing date is for you.

I personally loved doing a couple’s float because the practice helped us relax together while also deepening our connection. 


In Auckland’s CBD, there’s an art gallery, movie theatre and time machine wrapped into one and powered by AI. Best of all, you are the star of all the shows!

If you want to see you and your partner as samurai warriors, James Bond or a Princess bride, head to HyperCinema. 

If you’re a bit weary about AI, check out my review of the place here. 

Odyssey Sensory Maze

If you wanna go on a trippy adventure, walk, crawl and probably stumble your way through an Odyssey Sensory Maze. 

It’s a maze that messes with your senses: You traverse through a room packed with balloons, deal with buzzy laser lights, physically navigate your reflection in the mirror maze and more. 

Escape Room

If you really want to test your couple’s problem-solving skills, teamwork and stress management, head to one of the many escape rooms across the country. 

You’ll find yourself in a room where the only way out is solving a bunch of puzzles. Remember, it's you two vs the problem, not vs each other!

Pottery Class

Creating something is beautiful. Creating something useful is tough but even more beautiful. Pottery classes are a laid-back and social way for you and your special friend to craft something from nothing. As well as having a new favourite mug from it (if you’re any good), you might also pick up a new hobby. 

Some pottery places also offer wine nights if you do wanna add that all-important element. If you wanna feel good about yourself the next day (and test out that mug), some places also offer coffee morning. 

Axe Throwing

Is your boo an asset in a zombie apocalypse? Find out at an axe-throwing date!

It takes one to two hours and you learn how to chuck a lumberjack’s best friend. After you learn, you get to the good part and biff the axe at a target. If you’re competitive, you can even keep track of your score. 

Lavender Farms

New Zealand is full of luscious fields of lavender waiting to be preciously plucked by you and your partner. 

They’re gorgeous, obviously romantic and actually useful. Lavender can be used in the kitchen, chucked in cocktails and keep yucky bugs away. 

Also, you or your partner can be Russell Crowe in Gladiator, softly brushing your hand on the top of the plant as you walk through an endless field of it. 


Aotearoa is blessed with little to no light pollution outside of our cities. This means you and your other half can stare at the great beyond in a super romantic way, wondering what it all means. 

There are tours available, but you can also find a cute safe spot and park up with a picnic blanket and even a tent if you’re allowed. If you don’t wanna do the travelling, head to a planetarium - like Auckland’s Star Dome or Wellington’s Space Place - and bask in the infinite glory of beyond there. 

Strawberry Picking

Summer is New Zealand’s strawberry picking season. So, before you go coating one in chocolate and delicately place it in your partner’s mouth, why not pick a strawberry yourself?

It’s a great way to spend some time in the sun and get some food in the current cossie living crisis. 

Zero Latency

Located in Auckland’s CBD, Zero Latency is pretty much laser tag combined with VR. So, rather than shooting each other (though that’s totally possible too), you and up to seven of your mates chuck on headsets, get given a gun, and walk into a 200-square-metre room.

That’s what I did with a crew of my mates. We all collectively decided that a Zombie apocalypse was our cup of tea, though looking back, I think one of the more family-friendly options was probably more suited to my, ahem, absolutely deafening screams. 

There’ll obviously won’t be a whole lot of eye contact on this date, but it is so much fun being transported into another world and playing an insanely interactive game with your partner. 


Geocaching is basically a never-ending scavenger hunt run by complete strangers. All around New Zealand, geocachers have placed little containers waiting to be discovered. 

You can download an app which tells you the general area of a case. Once you find it, you can sign its notebook, log your discovery in the app and enjoy the feeling of a successful adventure. 

You’ll explore places you’ve never seen more in-depth than your own house and you’ll be part of a little-known but passionate community. 

Let me know when you guys get engaged because of one of these date ideas.