Countdown has announced cheese is finally about to be semi-affordable so charcutHOORAY for that
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Countdown has announced cheese is finally gonna be semi-affordable so charcutHOORAY for that

Me celebrating like I'm not gonna still be in overdraft

Let's be real, we're sick of being absolutely gobsmacked at the price of cheese (oh, and fruits/veggies), but now it seems Countdown (soon to be Woolworths) has heard our cries - finally!

Woolworths Supermarkets NZ has just dropped a new 'low price' range of items which is meant to make those supey trips a touch less painful.

Fresh veggies, bread and dairy products are all on the list, meaning girl dinner could be about to get a small but meaningful upgrade.

We're looking at Essentials white or wheatmeal bread for $1.25, 500g of Countdown butter for $4.90, And most importantly a 1kg block of Countdown Everyday cheese for $10.

Getting in those 5+ a day like Harold the Giraffe always told you to is also gonna be a bit less spenny, with 4kg of pre-packed white potatoes for $10, broccoli for $2.50 each, and 1.5kg of pre-packed brown onions for $3.80.

Obvs, these sorts of prices have existed at places like Pak'n'Save and local shops before, but those aren't always the most convenient options for everyone.

Spencer Sonn, Managing Director of Woolworths said: "As Countdown changes to Woolworths we promise better, easier ways for our customers to find value when they shop with us. This is what our customers said they wanted, better prices on everyday items, and we have listened."

Hopefully, we'll start to see a change to our receipts, cause my bank account is looking SAD!

In case you want to find a cheap feed fast, earlier this year we found out there’s an app that allows you to buy cafe food at a super discounted price while doing your bit for the environment. 

‘Foodprint’ seems to be tackling the issue of food waste head-on whilst saving us all a bit of moolah along the way. 

The app allows you to explore both familiar and new eateries near you, where you can purchase their surplus food at a huuuge discount, often 50% off, if not more.

Because the app stops food that would usually go to waste from ending up in landfills, it’s doing really good stuff for the environment. Carbon emissions are reduced, while you get some yummy food for a steal. Sounds like a win-win to me.

Looks like we'll be eating GOOOOD for the rest of the year!