Men on reddit share the things that baffle them about women and the gals answers are hilarious
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Men on reddit share the things that baffle them about women and the gals answers are hilarious

“I’m going to McDonald's, want anything? No. *proceeds to eat all of my fries, bruh.”

Ladies, we can be very confusing to understand, and we know it too. That’s why one Reddit user dedicated a whole a** thread for men to ask their burning questions on why we are the way that we are.

So lads, take notes, and ladies, enjoy a little giggle at your own expense because some of these will really tickle you.

Although there is what seems to be an endless amount of questions, we’ve gone with the best, and while we’re at it, I’ll try to answer a few to ease your mind, yeah?

Let’s dive into them, starting with one of my personal favourites.

“Based on the amount of hair I have seen in the bathroom, and that I somehow still keep finding in my clothes/buttcrack, how do you still have so much hair on your head?”

A perfectly justified question that, unfortunately, none of us knows the answer to - believe me, I get a shock every now and then wondering who, what, when, where, why and how that sh** finds its way into any and every crevice. 

Another great question asked: “When you ask them if everything is ok, and they say it's fine when it's not.” The simple answer is that we like to keep the mystery going, will today be the day I finally crack? I guess we’ll never know…

One male admitted he’s not a fan of why “the shower has to be so hot that it’s like being bathed in the fires of hell.” While a woman sarcastically explained: “Because that’s where we came from and it reminds us of home.”

One of the most annoying things women do that men don’t seem to understand was pointed out by another user: “I’m going to McDonald's, want anything? No. *proceeds to eat all of my fries, bruh.”

Another commenter explains that they’d rather the ladies just say yes and if they don’t finish it, well, more for them.

Finally, the big question: “Why do women smell so good?”

One of my personal favourite comments that legit made me laugh out loud admitted to using “a little bacon grease behind [her] ears”. Now I’m questioning why I haven’t thought of that. 

Sounds like the perfect hook, line and sinker to getting a man, right?!

Well, there you have it, some burning questions answered by those who know best. Now I need to find all the answers to the questions we’ve been itching to ask about men.