MILF Manor dating show is effed up and this son finding out his mum banged his bestie proves it
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MILF Manor dating show is effed up and this son finding out his mum banged his bestie proves it

"SoYoung likes 'em so young!"

Remember we told you there was a new reality TV show, with a huge twist? Well, turns out we were right about MILF Manor because it’s been revealed that their sons have joined the dating pool and will be searching for love among their mums… eek!

The first two episodes of MILF Manor have aired in the US, and fortunately for us, we don’t have to bother with the cringe-fest - we just get all the juicy bits on good ol’ TikTok.

So what exactly have we found?

Episode 2 showed the mothers and sons revealing secrets to each other, but one secret crossed the line after it was revealed SoYoung has slept with her son Jimmy’s best mate.

Of course, Jimmy was caught off-guard repeating “there’s no way” she would betray him like that.

In a confessional Jimmy revealed his surprise: “This is something I never saw coming, I did not expect this at all 0%.”

“I’m a little traumatised right now, I’m not gonna lie.”

Fair enough, but I also feel like you’ve got some new beef to take up with your mate too!

Everyone was blown away that SoYoung would go ahead and do that to her son, with another mum saying: “That would be a boundary I would never cross.”

Viewers of the show shared their concern about the mother's betrayal.

One asked: “Why would a mother do that to her son???”

“I kinda thought MILF Manor wasn’t THAT big of a deal before watching it but watching a woman named SoYoung tell her son she slept with his next friend, and watch him have an existential crisis was worse than I could have expected,” wrote another.

A third simply let her emojis explain.

That’s not the only crazy secret to be revealed, no, we’ve got an equally effed-up one here my friends. 

MILF Charlene guessed that her son Harrison grinded on a Grandma and “she liked it”.

If only you could see my head exploding rn!

Turns out it was true, but are we at all surprised after that first secret?

The most effed-up part of this whole revelation was that MILF Shannan thought it was a turn-on, and expressed more interest in Harrison. 

Since we haven’t caught an episode here in NZ yet, we’ve found that YouTuber CodyKo has done a complete wrap-up of episode one, and boy does it only seem to get crazier. 

I wonder what other shocks are to come? Don’t worry we’ll update you as they come!