Guy who went viral for his horrible sex song announces he and his girlfriend have broken up

Guy who went viral for his horrible sex song announces he and his girlfriend have broken up

“I didn’t force her CBAT, not all can handle CBAT, I know it’s different.”

This past week the internet has been losing its mind over one song one guy and his poor, poor, girlfriend made love to, and now, maybe for the greater good, the relationship has ended.

The guy, who goes by u/TylerLife on Reddit, posted to the subreddit TIFU (Today I Fucked Up) about how, after two years of having sexy time with the song playing in the background, his girlfriend told him she “hates” it and it “turns her off in a major way”.

It was so ingrained in both their consciousnesses that he could still thrust in rhythm to the tune when doing the deed AND his girl could recognise when he was busting it down CBAT style - when she did recognise it, she would ask him to stop. 

Here’s the song - if you haven’t listened to it, you can go back and not listen and live a blissful life not knowing how someone managed to have sex IN RHYTHM to this song for over two years. 

The post and song took over the internet. It hit number one on the global Spotify chart and birthed a hilarious TikTok trend where people try to recreate the thrusting rhythm that eventually led to the destruction of a 2-year relationship. 

Tyler posted to the TIFU subreddit again with the title ‘Posting on Reddit about our sex life with CBAT and now our relationship has ended."

He starts the post by saying he wishes he didn’t use his real name since “the attention hasn’t been exactly positive and [it] hasn’t been the best to happen to his relationship.”

Continuing, he says that the younger sister of his girlfriend recognised his name and details of the relationship in the post and then “showed her parents who weren’t happy at all and made the situation extremely awkward.”

Adding to the absurdity of the whole situation, he reveals that he actually played the song during dinner with his now ex-bae, and the whole family hated it. 

“Once at a family dinner we were discussing music tastes and my ex-girlfriend stated that I have an odd taste in music,” he wrote. 

“Everyone laughed and pressed me to play something from my phone of what I like as music, to which I then blessed their ears with CBAT.”

“Her father laughed and said it was terrible, I guess we all have different tastes. Although I nodded in agreement at the time, I was thinking in my head that this is a great fucking song.”

He then says the relationship is “over now and I'm moving on.”

Finally, he concludes the post (and hopefully this whole saga) by saying he still stands by the song and that he never made her listen to the song once she voiced her displeasure with it. 

“I don’t think the song is that bad and I had no idea she didn’t like it until recently and as soon as I did I stopped. I didn’t force her CBAT, not all can handle CBAT, I know it’s different.”

I guess you got to respect a man willing to stick to his guns and die on the hill that is ‘Cbat’ by Hudson Mohawke.