The length Argentinian Swifties are going to just to secure front row at 'Eras Tour' is WILD
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The length Argentinian Swifties are going to just to secure front row at 'Eras Tour' is WILD

Dedicating 60 hours a month has to be some sort of joke!

Die-hard Swifties are going to some intense lengths to ensure that they'll be front row at Taylor Swift’s ‘Eras Tour’ as it returns with three shows set in Buenos Aires, Argentina, later this week.

According to Pitchfork, fans are camping out in four tents near the Estadio River Plate stadium in hopes of securing spots as close to the stage as possible.

And get this, they started camping in June. That was FIVE months ago. 

How the heck have they managed to camp out for months at a time?

“We’ve been in this tent for five months,” an anonymous 21-year-old Swiftie told the outlet.

“I usually tell my dad I'm at a park with mates, or visiting a friend of mine who lives near the stadium," she added about how she explains the amount of time she is spending away from home.

Apparently, the Swifties have been taking turns rotating their campouts that have been carefully scheduled by a fan-made spreadsheet.

Two organisers have been keeping track of roughly 60 people per tent and while THAT many aren’t squeezed in all at once, it’s based on a ranking system.

The longer you stay in the tent, the better your chances of securing a front barricade position.

So the longer the total time, the better the time they’ll have bopping to Mother Swift during her shows on the 9th, 10th and 11th of November.

Honestly, the fandom truly scares me, and I would NOT survive this type of commitment - so, props where it is due to the hardcore stans!

The publication also revealed: “Sleepovers are now mandatory at least once a month, alongside a minimum of 60 monthly hours, to maintain one’s spot.”

What are your thoughts on Swiftie sleepovers? Would you spend 60 hours a month camping out just to lay your eyes on Taylor irl or is it all just a little too much?