Tim Tam Mochas
What's Good
What's Good

Tim Tam Slams just got a major upgrade, so get ready to get amongst these brand new hot bevies

Think I'm gonna share? You'd be so wrong!!

Winter is here and what’s better than having a hot bevvie with a bikkie on the side?! Well, now we can have the warm winter treats all in one! 

Nescafé and Tim Tam have joined forces to bring us not one, but two epic mocha flavours that will satisfy our chocolate cravings and keep us toasty.

In original choc mocha and caramel choc mocha, these heavenly concoctions are a match made in a winter wonderland.

Imagine sipping on a rich, chocolatey coffee, while catching up on all the goss with your mates. Talk about the perf winter coffee catch-up!

You can snag these delicious delights in packs of eight. That means you can either be the generous one who shares them with your pals during a winter hangout or keep them all to yourself for those moments when you get the urge to Tim Tam slam!

If you want to have the perfect chocolatey sensation take over your taste buds Nescafé has shared how to do it:

Take a bite! Sink your teeth into two diagonal corners of your Tim Tam, revealing the chocolatey interior.

Dip the Tim Tam into your hot pick of the new Nescafé flavs and sip through the other end, then…

Once the drink starts passing through your bikke, quickly slam the whole thing into your mouth and enjoy.

Mmmm! So grab ya mug, and ya mates for the ultimate chocolatey winter treat.

They’ll be available in supermarkets up and down the country from June 19th.