Chris Hemsworth's chef reveals the INSANE amount the Aussie eats to prepare for the big screen
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Chris Hemsworth's chef reveals the INSANE amount the Aussie eats to prepare for the big screen

It's the equivalent of eating 17.5 big macs EVERY. SINGLE. DAY!!!

If, like me, you come away from superhero movies wondering how on earth real people can possibly look so freakin good, then good news because the secret is out!

Dan Churchill is a professional chef who has worked with the likes of Blake Lively, Drew Barrymore and most recently, Thor, aka Chris Hemsworth. He has officially spilled the beans (literally) on how the Aussie movie star gets into shape before hitting the big screen.

While preparing for his role as Thor, Churchill revealed that the Aussie actor who was crowned People Magazines'  'Sexiest man alive' in 2014, consumes 4500 calories (that’s like 17.5 Big Macs) per day!

While he tends to spread that out across a whopping 10 meals a day, (I can barely manage fitting in three) Hemsworth's unwavering commitment to his rig is absolutely RIDICULOUS!

And if you're thinking great, all I have to do is eat 17 Big Macs a day to look like a Greek God, unfortunately for you, Hemsworth prefers steak, rice-based dishes, broccoli, chicken and banana protein shakes to mould his chiselled figure.

Although winter is just about on top of us here in Aotearoa, you can never start preparing for that summer shred too early.

While most of us regular folk can't afford steak on rice ten times a day an easy place to start could be one of Hemsworth's go-to drinks, a banana, two dates, almond milk and a scoop of protein.