Kiwi couple get married at Krispy Kreme and doughnut get me started on how cute this is
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Kiwi couple get married at Krispy Kreme and doughnut get me started on how cute this is

“Why not add it to the story?"

A Kiwi couple got married at Krispy Kreme earlier this week and their whole story is actually insanley cute.

Back on Valentine’s Day 2013, Cimonette and Carl Labuschange spontaneously headed to a beach and eloped, ten years later and still going strong, the self-confessed sweet treat admirers tied the knot at an Auckland Krispy Kreme spot after winning an online competition. 

“We’re big doughnut lovers, especially Krispy Kreme,” Cimonette told Mai FM's Home Run team. “Why not add it to the story?"

Cimonette and Carl Labuschange get married at Krispy Kreme New Lynn Credit: Krispy Kreme

Cimonette’s renowned at her office for her devotion to doughnuts and uses them to cheer people up. 

“It has become a joke at work that I probably always have one in my bag - they solve everything, who doesn’t love a doughnut?! I’m in HR so if someone’s having a bad day, here we go, have a doughnut and you’ll feel better. It makes me really good at my job ”

The wedding was meant to take place on the ten-year anniversary of their elopement but had to be postponed due to Cyclone Gabrielle. The delay was worth it though, as Carl said things could not have gone better. 

“It was really awesome, he said. “Krispy Kreme gave us an opportunity to get a lovely wedding dress and a nice suit together and so we went the full suit and tie occasion. They had a beautiful wedding car available for us - they really did so much work behind the scenes.”

Cimonette and Carl Labuschange get married at Krispy Kreme New Lynn Credit: Krispy Kreme

Carl and Cimonette’s two sons were the ringbearers - completing their kit with Krispy Kreme hats - and they stole the show. 

“It’s always good to enjoy it with the family. Having our boys there, that was the best part of the wedding, it was absolutely awesome,” said Carl. 

“They were so chuffed to be dressed up… but it was a lot of sugar for early in the morning,” Cimonette added. “I know a lot of people would think ‘why would you want to do that?’ but for us, it was just ‘why not?’ It’s just such a great chapter to the story”.

Cimonette and Carl Labuschange get married at Krispy Kreme New Lynn Credit: Krispy Kreme

The Labuschange weren't the only ones who had a Krispy Creme wedding - another couple, Emma Jerkovich and Kurt Te Amo also celebrated their love at the doughnut chain. Krispy Kreme decided to host the ceremonies to bring a little joy to what has been tough past few years for Kiwis. 

“We know the past few years have been tricky for many New Zealanders,” Krispy Kreme’s Head of Marketing Aimee Cutajar said. “But we also know that we are a brand that is always wanting to sprinkle joy and love - no matter what.”