Women give honest thoughts on what they wish men would stop doing during sex and we're grateful
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Women give honest thoughts on what they wish men would stop doing during sex and we're grateful

consider this a psa to all men x

Women are out doing the lord's work by discussing things they wish men would stop doing during sex and all we have to say to all the lads reading this, please take notes.

Warning: This read is definitely NSFW. 

The Facebook page ‘Mansion’ posed the question: “Ladies: what are the sexual acts you think men should stop during sex? Honest feedback” - and our gal pals came to the rescue with some brutally honest responses that make a hell of a read. 

Let’s dive on into them, starting with one of my personal favourites.

“Guys....If you don't think foreplay is important. Go down a slippery slide at the water park with the water turned off.” A perfectly accurate analogy that had us in stitches. 

Kirsty hit us with two lots of feedback: "Keep your fingernails trimmed, getting fingered by Freddie Kreuger is not the one! Also, when she’s on top, don’t try to control her movements, this doesn’t concern you, she knows what she needs to do to get there!”

Women give honest thoughts on what they wish men would stop doing during sex and we're grateful

Ashley isn’t a fan of “the slapping the hotdog on the bun thing,” while Wandaiyalle posed the question: “Why when I say “don’t stop” ya’ll IMMEDIATELY stop.”

Women give honest thoughts on what they wish men would stop doing during sex and we're grateful

Kara offered up some helpful-health-and-safety advice, writing: “When pulling hair, pull from the roots FFS… pulling from the end of the ponytail you gon’ snap my neck byoiiii.” Her comment has the most likes so if you are taking notes, make sure to not miss this one. 

Women give honest thoughts on what they wish men would stop doing during sex and we're grateful

One of my personal favourite comments comes from Zoe, who wrote: “Tits are not radios. Stop trying to tune them!”


Another one that legit made me laugh out loud was from Nicole, who wrote: “Gently work up to a fist please stop treating us like a can of pringles.”

Women give honest thoughts on what they wish men would stop doing during sex and we're grateful

Chesintha wrote a comment which just sums up where I’m at perfectly.

“Everything. I will do it myself”

And of course, there were plenty of comments about the big O. 

Gosia wrote one that applies to way too many men “Stop asking how many times I came in those 5min of "pleasure". 

I feel that on another level. 

Women give honest thoughts on what they wish men would stop doing during sex and we're grateful

Victoria wrote: “Stop asking if we came. If we did, you’d know!” and Stacey agreed, commenting: “If you have to ask if I’ve cum, I didn’t.”

But we weren’t the only ones with advice - a couple of lads jumped in the comments to chime in with their thoughts. 

Charles cracked us up with his comment saying “Just checking to make sure my wife ain’t in here”. 

Jamie came through with what we hope most guys are using this post for, commenting: “Don’t mind me, just here taking notes”

Matt wrote, “Not sure about what men should stop but women should stop saying ‘it’s ok you can put it all in now’.”

Women give honest thoughts on what they wish men would stop doing during sex and we're grateful

Mark chimed in with a cooked comment, writing: “Never give your missus the Spiderman, she doesn’t like it when you spunk in your hand and chuck it in her face.” 

Wtf did I just read…

The last comment we’ll share is what some people might be thinking while reading the comments, as Joshua simply wrote: “Some people here need Jesus.” 

Women give honest thoughts on what they wish men would stop doing during sex and we're grateful

Orrrrr a medal?

If you wanna read the full comment section, which will guarantee you some entertainment and for all the lads out there, some pointers, click on the post below.