EDG - OnlyFans subscriber story 1920 X 1080
EDG - OnlyFans subscriber story 1920 X 1080
00:00 / 01:22
The Edge Breakfast

'It gets worse': You'll never believe this listeners story of who subscribed to her OnlyFans

Now this is INSANE.

As you can imagine, we hear some pretty cooked stories working on the radio and this is one that made our jaws drop.

If you haven't listened already, Edge Breakfast do an OnlyFans podcast where they chat about everything that can't be talked about on the radio. 

On the podcast, Clint, Meg, and Dan had a chat with Payge, an OnlyFans creator, and she told us about some unexpected subscribers she's had on her account. 

This is one of those stories that just gets worse and worse. 

Watch Clint, Meg, and Dan react to the insane story above. 

First of all, she explains how she discovered one of her close friend's boyfriends had subscribed.

"He signed up with his first and last name".

After finding this out, she messaged the boyfriend and asked whether he was still with her friend. to which he said yes and asked her to keep it on the 'down-low'. 

After screenshotting the evidence, she met up with the friend and told her the situation and you guessed it, she decided to stay with him regardless. 

Now if that's not bad enough, just wait. 

Clint asked whether she'd had anyone else subscribe to her OnlyFans that shouldn't have and we could never have predicted who she said next. 


She explained that once she'd found out, she blocked him instantly, as you would but then she revealed something that made the situation even worse. 

"He's married, he has children".

This poor girl. 

Talk about an awkward situation... 

If you want to listen to the full chat with Payge, @paygestanley, have a listen to the full OnlyFans podcast episode below.