Dan makes his festival debut at Rhythm and Alps and we've never seen anything so chaotic
The Edge Breakfast
The Edge Breakfast

Dan makes his festival debut at Rhythm and Alps and we've never seen anything so chaotic

We think he enjoyed it?

Festy season - A time we all know, love, and probably don't remember a whole lot of. 

Well that time has rolled around again and you know it, we're right there with you. 

Dan, formerly known as Producer Dan on Edge Afternoons, will be stepping up this year as a host on Edge Breakfast along with Meg and Clint. 

So we thought, what better way to initiate him into his new role than to bring him down to R&A with us and see how he'd go at a festival? 

Dan might not immediately strike you as a hardcore festy goer but boy oh boy did he thrive. 

First of all, we decided to turn Dan into the ultimate basic festy girl by changing up his style to get that authentic 'summer festy' look. 

Let's just say that didn't last long. 

Once we got into the festival,  he found a group that was crowded around some bins and you bet he had to go and find out what was going on.

I don't think any of us expected this response but Dan brought us along on the chaotic journey with him.

It's the "chant going" that had me on the floor.

Just when you thought it couldn't get any better, we captured Dan falling over and then attempting to twerk it off. 

I don't think I'll ever get that image out of my head. 

We set Dan up with a tiny microphone and sent him into the swarm of festy goers to ask some hard-hitting questions like what would you say to your ex? 

We lowkey regret asking this after some of these responses... 

We also ventured out to ask whether anyone knew who the F Dan actually is before he starts his new role. 

As you can tell, amongst the chaos, Dan absolutely thrived at his first festival so we might just let him keep his new role on the Breakfast show.

But that also means we're probably going to rope him into coming back with us every year.