WTAF we asked Netsky to perform a gig in Morrinsville with us and he said yes
The Edge Afternoons
The Edge Afternoons

WTAF we asked Netsky to perform a gig in Morrinsville with us and he said yes

I don't know how we pulled this off.

While Netsky was in the country for his Netsky and Friends tour, he popped into The Edge studios for a chat. 

Now, at the start of the year, we set ourselves a goal to bring a big night to a small town in Aotearoa because let's be honest, the small towns always miss out. 

When international artists visit the country, they always go to the main hubs like Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, or Dunedin, which means if you live in a small wee town, you never get to be part of the action. 

So when Netsky came into the studio, we thought it would be the perfect opportunity to ask if he had some spare time in between his tour to come with us and make this night happen. 

We knew that Netsky has a soft spot for New Zealand as he spends a lot of his time here so we believed we could sweet talk him into it. 

We sprung the idea onto him while we were interviewing him and we're not going to lie, Sharyn came on a bit too strong, especially calling him 'Mr. Boris Netsky', which killed us. 

Have a watch the hilarious conversation below. 

He did admit that we put him on the spot and said that his heart said yes, but he'd have to look into it. 

We said we'd give him 24 hours and then check back in. 

After Sharyn got a hold of his phone number, which we can't believe he handed over and called him the next day to check in. 

He said he still needed to finalize a few things and to be honest, we were just glad it wasn't a no. 

We finally gave him a final call back and asked him for the verdict on his final decision on whether he could make this night happen for us. 

We really didn't have high hopes at this point.

Watch below to see the team eagerly wait for his response. 

On the phone, he explained that he had talked to Rosie, his manager, and delivered his decision. 

"We're going to make this happen".


"Sharyn was very persuasive, I feel like I couldn't say no anymore"

Turns out Sharyn's pushy tactics paid off.

We locked in one of the biggest International DJs in the world to come to a small NZ town to give them a big night. 

Small Town Big Night with Netsky was officially going ahead. 

That left the next decision, where the hell are we going to go? 

We got people from all around the country to register their towns and man people were fizzing. 

We finally confirmed which town we were going to - MORRINSVILLE. 

To win tickets, keep listening to Edge Afternoons with Sharyn, Steph, and Nickson and we might be seeing you there!