Is Sharyn a creep or a good friend?
The Edge Afternoons
The Edge Afternoons

Is Sharyn a creep or a good friend?

We're still making up our minds.
2 February 2023 6:16PM

What do you think? Creep or great friend?

Nickson shared that he and his wife Sarah are on the journey to hopefully be blessed with a baby.

'I've always wanted to be a dad', he said.

But concerned he might be shooting blanks, he decided 'I'll go get checked out to make sure all my guys are swimming the right way because I reckon they're bouncing off the walls.'

Here's his dilemma. As he beautifully put, 'You've got to put your love juice in a cup. They don't want people touching themselves at the hospital anymore.'

This is where great friend/creep Sharyn steps up. Nickson lives a 40 minute drive from the clinic and only has 30 minutes to get there, while Sharyn is just down the road. So she has offered to let Nickson do his thing at her house so save a bit of travel time.

She even offers to sweeten the deal and reckons the house has good juju since it's where a couple of babies have already been made. Is her offer creepy or is she being a good friend? Check it out below and decide for yourself.