MAFS' Cam plans to 'travel for a year' with his new gf, so someone's changed their freakin tune

MAFS' Cam plans to 'travel for a year' with his new gf, so someone's changed their freakin tune

What happened to working in the middle of butt f*** nowhere for up to two years?

MAFS’ Cam Woods has shockingly (but not really) confirmed that he’s taking a year off his remote work out in the bush to travel with his new girlfriend.

During an interview with Nine, the former groom announced that he met his new beau in Darwin, obvs, and the two are “really happy” together.

Cam admitted he’s planning to travel for “about a year” with his new gf. 

Excuse me… What happened to that intense remote working schedule where he would be in the middle of butt f*** nowhere for up to two years?

For more MAFS bombshells, check out our chat with MAFS expert John Atkins here: 

“She’s decked out this van, it’s f***ing ridiculous. So I’m taking the cruiser, the trailer. I’ll pick up some work along the way, but we’ll just go travelling for about a year,” he said.

This comes after Cameron was slammed for telling his TV wife  Lyndall Grace not to move to Darwin as his remote work would send him “out bush” for potential years at a time. 

He was also extremely opposed to changing his schedule for his MAFS bride, although he did admit he would make it happen “for love”. 

Cam said his on-screen wife Lyndall was unaware of his relationship status and the changes he is making for his new girlfriend, but hoped she would be happy for them as a couple.

“Lyndall is not aware, no. I kept that one quiet. I think she’d be happy for me, I think she’d be happy. I hope so.”

Cam later mentioned in the interview how he and his new beau met after filming for the experiment.

He explained: “I met her at a knock-off do, all us boys knocked off work for the year and we went down to the local watering hole.”

“She walked in, and we really hit it off from there,” he said.

“We’re sitting happy. It’s someone I can be myself [around], I can be normal, I don’t have to be someone I’m not.”

He also shared that he doesn’t have to “talk about feelings every two seconds,” with his new gal.

Eek, that one was per-son-al!

Well, from what we’ve seen of Lyndall recently I wouldn’t say happy is the right word to describe her feelings. I’d maybe say she doesn’t give a flying eff.

Fellow former MAFS bride, Bronte Schofield has been posting TikToks of the gals living their best single lives.

It seems Lyndall and Bronte have found their own love as besties outside of the experiment, and tbh that’s the kind of love story I love to see!