YouTuber Logan Paul's pet pig Pearl has been rescued after being abandoned, left for dead

YouTuber Logan Paul's pet pig Pearl has been rescued after being abandoned, left for dead

"She's lucky to be alive."

Famed YouTuber Logan Paul has addressed rumours that he had been involved in the mistreatment of his pet pig Pearl after a rescue organisation saved her from being horrifically abandoned and left for dead.

Here’s what you need to know! A TikTok video posted by @thegentlebarn detailed the rescue of a lone pig in Santa Clarita, Los Angeles.

Writing over the video explained: “We got a call about a pig abandoned in a field, she was found with another pig who had passed away. She's lucky to be alive. We were told she belonged to a famous YouTuber and was irresponsibly rehomed.”

“All we know for sure is she ended up abandoned and scared with mangled ears and a broken heart.”

“So we brought her to our sanctuary with a promise that she will never be alone again. Welcome home, Pearl,” the TikTok finished.

In the caption of the clip, The Gentle Barn went into a more detailed description of how Pearl was found.

They wrote: “She'll NEVER be alone again. Pearl was found abandoned in a field next to another pig who had died.”

“She came to us with tattered ears and a potentially life-threatening infection in her uterus that has since been healed. She's clearly been through so much trauma that we can't begin to imagine, but she's now safe with us at The Gentle Barn.”

After the news did the viral rounds people were urging Paul to come forward with an explanation as to why his former pet was in such a horrific situation.

It has since been explained by Paul that since owning Pearl back in 2020, he had relocated from his home in Encino, Los Angeles and moved to Puerto Rico. 

Paul recalled rehoming his pet pig to a horse ranch in Santa Clarita. He also believes she had been rehomed again since his involvement.

SOURCE: @loganpaul on Instagram

In an email obtained and reported by TMZ, Paul sent The Gentle Barn a message thanking them for their involvement in caring for Pearl after hearing about her tragic state. 

In his email, Logan says it's "shocking and heartbreaking" to hear about Pearl's condition ... and he's offering to help contribute to the pig's care again.


Thankfully the beautiful piggy is now in great hands and will continue a new, happy life with quality care.