Here’s why we need to leave James Corden and his restaurant behaviour the hell alone

Here’s why we need to leave James Corden and his restaurant behaviour the hell alone

If you've found a hair in your food, what would you do?

OPINION: I think the world needs to stop our obsession with jumping on hatred bandwagons and just picking at things just to tear people down. I think it's kind of gross that we do that all the time. The latest example I’ve seen of this is James Corden’s restaurant controversy.

If you've found a hair in your food, what would you do? You'd probably say, hey, there's a hair in my food. Can I please have a new plate? 

We wouldn't get dragged and make international headlines for that. It would just be normal.

Yes, he made the comment and yes, he apologized for it. James Corden said on his talk show;

“No worries, we send it back, all is good. As her meal came wrong to the table the third time in the heat of the moment I made a sarcastic, rude comment about cooking it myself. And it is a comment I deeply regret. Like I understand the difficulties of being a server. I worked shifts at restaurants for years.”

“I have such respect and I value anyone that does such a job in the team at that restaurant are so great. That's why I love it there,” he said.

But I think that's where we should leave it. We should move on, we don't have to drag these people down anymore.

People make mistakes and they can say sorry and apologize for their actions. 

Are you perfect? Do you live your life without ever teetering on rudeness ever? Everyone can snap at a point. Everyone's got their limit.

I think we can all just learn to take the benefit of the doubt a little bit more in situations. That's all I'm saying. We don't need to jump on board the hatred train straight away without looking at both sides of a story. 

And that’s that!

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