Kris Jenner's morning routine is so intense even my snooze button is screaming

Kris Jenner's morning routine is so intense even my snooze button is screaming

The momager's routine starts at the crack of dawn!

We all know “the devil works hard, but Kris Jenner works harder,” right? But what we didn’t expect was the ‘Momager’ herself has to be up at the crack of dawn, and it’s making me feel seriously bad for getting up at lunch!

Kris revealed her morning routine on her daughter, Kourtney Kardashian’s wellness website Poosh.

In the interview, Kris revealed she wakes up at 4:30 am sharp, has a coffee by 5 am, and checks her emails at 5:30 a.m. 

She then heads to the treadmill for a brisk walk at 6 am to read the news until 7, has a shower, and then it’s time to get glammed up bby!

SOURCE: Instagram

She spends about an hour in glam before getting to her meetings at 9:30 am.

Jealous? Who me? Maybe just a little.

Seems like Kris is well ahead of the game and that is seriously impressive!

She isn’t the only one of the Kardashian/ Jenner clan to have an early rise. Our gal Kim Kardashian also has a strict routine.

In a similar interview with Poosh, Kim tells Kourtney that she never has a “late” morning. 

Kim makes sure she is up at 5:45 am on the dot, to get ready for her 6 am workout. 

Her days are usually filled up with school drop-offs, and back-to-back meetings, running her multiple brands and businesses. 

“Let’s say it’s a school day. I’ll wake the kids up at 7:05 am, and we’ll all have breakfast together,” she says. 

“I’ll get the kids ready and then take them to school, come back, and start my day.”

Similar to her mother Kim also will include a glam session from 9:30 am - 11 am in her morning routine on days when they are filming their show ‘The Kardashians’.

Kim admitted she often plans her days down to the minute. 

“Everything is super organised in my house, micromanaged to the minute,” she said. 

“I will lay my clothes out the night before so when I sleep in, I’ll wake up at 5:53 am instead of 5:45 am, and I just know my outfit is there."

If that’s what she calls a sleep-in, I have some serious work to do… Anyone else?!

Seems like the Kardashian/ Jenner clan really have it together. Maybe we should consider upping our game and waking up at 4 am too…? 

On second thought I do love my beauty sleep. Let’s push it to 7!